– blue
Kristina – red
Lucy - green
- GUYS!! - Maite suddenly knocked loudly on the door. - Guys, are you in?!
- Yeah, come in. - Paddy answered back.
- Hi. - she entered the room. - I was wondering if you girls would come with me?
- Sure. - the three girls answered happily. - Where?
- I was thinking of going shopping. I was told there is a nice shopping center close. Will you join me?
- What a great idea! Sure, we're coming with you! - Trang exclaimed. - Let's get going!
- HEY!! What about us?! - Paddy stepped closer.
- What about you? - Trang stood firmly surprised.
- What will Angelo and I be doing if you girls go shopping?
- C'mon, man. It's not like it's your first time that you're left alone. Don't complain. - Maite teased.
- No, but...
- So, girls? - she looked over to the girls. - Are you coming?
- Sure! Bye, guys, see ya later. - they waved them goodbye and left the room with Maite.

The four girls went to the shopping center and admired with pleasure all those beautiful dresses. But while the girls were having fun, Paddy and Angelo were getting more and more bored.
- Where shall we go? - asked Angelo.
- Those stupid girls! They should have stayed with us and not have gone with Maite!
- I know. Brother! Let's go spying! - Angelo suggested.
- No! We mustn't! They will see us and they'll pay us back.
- Paddy! C'mon, they won't see us! Chicken!!
- I'm not a chicken!
- Then let's go!
- Okie, I'm on my way.
Both of them came to the shopping center.
- Where will we find them?
- They are girls. They can be only at the clothes department.
- Okay, so let's go there. But we have to be very careful so that they won't notice us.
- Yes, because otherwise poor us!
They sneaked around the corner and soon they noticed the girls who were trying on the dresses.
- Here they are! - Paddy whispered.
- I have eyes and I see it myself, my dear scamp! - Angelo answered him.
- Look, Maite! Geez what she's wearing!... but Trang... she looks so cute in those clothes.
- Oh, look, there is my Kristina! She always looks beautiful, but now she is like a princess.

- Angelo! Stop it! They have eyes too and they will see us!
- Very funny, Paddy! I became hungry... are we going to the market? - Angelo lifted his eyes from the girls to Paddy for a moment.
- Guys, you are going nowhere! Tell us what you're doing here?! - the girls suddenly appeared at their back from the middle of nowhere.
- I said they have eyes... - Paddy murmured, angry with himself.
- It is getting dark, we have to go to our place. - Angelo tried to change the subject.
- Oh, Angelo... You are still like a child... Come with me. - Kristina caressed him.
All of them left the shopping center and headed to a smaller wood close to the parking place. Kristina and Angelo sat on an old stump, hugged each other leaning their heads together and watching the beautiful full moon on the sky. And then suddenly the two of them... disappeared to the wood! The others didn't notice it 'cause they were trying to get to know why the guys were on the look out for them.
- Paddy! Why?! - Trang interogated.
- Tell us! - Lucy didn't stop.
- Otherwise you'll be punished. - Maite added.
- Why am I the only one who has to be curved?! I neither wanted to do it!
They were quarreling until Kristina and Angelo came back. They held hands and both of them were smiling.
- Folk! I'm starving, let's go eat some cake or something. - Angelo proposed.
- Sure! - they all shouted in one voice.
So they sat down by a table in the confectionery. Angelo and Kristina hugged and didn't stop kissing each other. He gave her little pieces of cake in her mouth and her eyes were sparkling.

- Angelo?? - Paddy looked at the two pigeons with wide widened eyes.
- Aaa?? - he looked up, like in a daze.
- What you're doing??
- What am I doing?
- Eeer... are you guys... together? - Trang asked carefully.
Kristina looked up to Angelo's eyes which seemed to be a little confused.
- So... are we? - she asked.
- Seems so. - he smiled.
- And Kira? - Paddy demanded.
- Kira? She's not here. - Kristina laughed.
- Don't worry about us, Paddy, we know what we're doing. - Angelo consoled.
- Yeah. - Kristina agreed. - We know it is not a feeling to last, not at least he has a
fiancée... we know we are not meant to be.
- But we would like to enjoy it the time we're together.
- You know what you're doing. - Paddy said.
- Yeah, we know it. But don't think about us, think better about your range. - Angelo made a sign with his head in Trang's direction.

Paddy, why don't you take Lucy to the wood? It seems to be a magic place.
- Trang said.
- Yeah, Lucy, come on... let's go to the wood.
After two hours they still didn't came, so Kristina, Angelo, Maite and
Trang went back to their hotel. There they saw Paddy hugging Lucy, and
Lucy hugged him too. They sat next to each
other leaning their heads together and watched the beautiful moon in the
- Hello? Why you two didn't tell us that you come
back to the hotel? We have waited for you ages. - Angelo wanted to wake
them up from their dream.
- Angelo, hello? Do you think that I can think about you when I have such
a beautiful girl around?
Lucy was totally red. Kristina gave a meaning mine to Lucy. Lucy needn't
to tell, Kristina already knew what was going on.
- Geezz man... why can't you control your ego. - Angelo murmured and went
- I didn't know that in Slovenia they have magic woods. - Trang whispered
to herself.
Soon Paddy and Lucy came to the boys' room where Kristina and Angelo were
kissing and Trang was eating a big piece of cake.
They sat down by the table,
it was time for the cake, but they kept on talking and kissing each other.
So did Kristina and
Angelo. Paddy gave Lucy
a piece of cake in her mouth and her eyes were sparkling! It was just
soooo romantic for Trang who
was observing her friends loosing their mind. Kristina's and Lucy's dream
were coming true. Trang was very happy for them, and she disappeared from
the room unnoticeable. Kristina
and Lucy had been waiting for this a long time and finally they
spent the beautiful day and night with their boys.
Next morning Kristina woke up
the earliest from the four, it was a midday. She walked along the corridor
in her pajama and one open eye. She was looking for Trang, but she was not
As she came back she saw Trang and Maite laughing and pushing each other
before the boys' room.
- Maite, it's my turn... - Trang claimed.
- Shhh...
- What are they doing?
- It's so dark there. I see Angelo, half naked... uhhh, last night with
Kristina must be very...
- Maite! - Trang called her when she saw Kristina was standing there.
- Shh... Trang... - Maite didn't pay intention in Trang. - I can't see
Paddy's and Lucy's bed. Angelo is calling Kristina... hihi... where is
- Maite, I have to tell you something. - Trang said again.
- Wait a minute. Angelo is looking for Kristina under his bed... haha...
she must have a really sweet night laying under Angelo.
- Yes, last night was very sweet and sooo hmmmm... - Kristina laughed.
- Oops! - Maite was surprised and looked meaning to Trang.
- I wanted to tell you, but you didn't listen. - Trang made an innocent
- Had you two much fun spying us?
- Sure! - answered Maite quickly. - I mean... no! - she corrected.
- Oh my God, Kristina is furious... we'd better run away, before she kill
us. - Trang told Maite.
- Yeah... look at her eyes... Kristina, we are afraid of you. So bye.
Maite and Trang turned away.
- Trang, were have you been last night? - she asked quiet calmly.
- I slept with Maite! - Trang was short.
- That explain everything. I regret not to spy you two last night...
hahaha... It must be a heavy night... two fat girls together, hugging each
other - Kristina paid them back. - Who was under who??
Trang and Maite looked at each other. Without a word they came back to
Kristina with an intention to kill her.
- Help!! They gonna kill me. - Kristina yelled.
As Trang and Maite were throttling Kristina, her bodyguard came.
- Girl, what are you doing? - Angelo wondered.
- Nothing, we just want to kill your girlfriend. - Trang answered him.
- Oh, that's nice of you. - Angelo signed and wanted to go inside.
- Angelo, if you don't take them away from me I'll never kiss you again. -
Kristina threatened.
- Hey you two if you don't leave my girl alone I'll kick your asses. -
Angelo said and started to tickle the girls.
Maite and Trang couldn't stand tickles so they left Kristina. Then the
love birds went inside.
- Maite, can you see anything? - two girls spy them again.
- Nope... they went to bathroom.
- Can you see Paddy and Lucy?
- Nope! Where are they?
- Maite, we are here. - Paddy and Lucy were behind the girls.
- Such a crap! - Trang and Maite turned back.
- Good morning to you too! - Paddy smiled.
- Where did you sleep Trang? - Lucy wondered.
Trang took a look to Maite.
- You'd better don't know it. - Trang answered. - How about you and Paddy?
- There! - she pointed to a room in their back.
- I didn't know that this room is ours too. - Maite said.
- Last nigh it was!
- Uhhhhhh... Paddy and Lucy?
Paddy and Lucy left the wondered girl there and hand in hand they went to
a dining room smiling and kissing each other.
- Maite, what do you think, what they have done last night?
- What do you think? Look at them... I have never seen Paddy like this.
- And me Lucy... Actually I saw her first time yesterday.
