– blue
Kristina – red
Lucy - green |

- So, what’s up? – Kristina asked again.
- Look! – Trang turned the other two around to the direction the guys left for.
- Eeer… yeah? – wondered Lucy.
- LOOK!! Geez, girls are you blind or what? Over there!
- OH MY GOD!! – gasped Kristina loudly.
- WHAT?! – Lucy was really mad now.
- Hi hi… this is soooo cool… look, look!!!
- Don’t you see it, Lucy? – Trang giggled.
- You two are nuts! There is nothing to see!
- Girl, I told you a million times you should go to the oculist…- Kristina laughed. - Look to that door. See?
- SHIT! – she cursed. – I can’t believe this! What a great view!!
Isn’t Paddy just gorgeous in his underwear? – Trang smiled with a faraway look.
- But… do you think this is right? – Kristina doubted. – I mean… we are spying on them!
- So what? Who cares! – exclaimed Trang. – I want to see it!!
- Well, well, girls. – Suddenly a girl spoke up behind their backs. The three of them just jumped up and turned around blushing.
- MAITE!! – They exclaimed.
- Spying on my brothers? – she laughed.
- Eeer… kinda. – They grinned.
- You know, it’s a too big temptation… - laughed Trang, relieved a bit.
- Okay, we’re back! – Paddy and Angelo rushed back from their cloakroom.
- Oh, you really hurried… - Lucija was surprised.
- We tried to do our best. – Paddy grinned. – I see you met Maite…
- Yeah. – she grinned. – I’ve just bumped into them.

- Maite you look wonderful. – Trang stared at Maite.
- It’s a pity that boys don’t think so. – Maite was sad.
- Don’t worry Maite, boys are jerks, they don’t know anything. – Kristina cheered Maite up.
- Kristina, you are pretty. – Angelo teased.
- Err… Angelo is not like the other boys. – Kristina grinned.
- Well, well, what is going on here? Kristina, what have you done to my brother? – Maite smiled.
- She witched him, Maite, can’t you see that? – Paddy shouted.
- SHUT UP! – Kristina and Angelo yelled loudly. J
- Let go to the bus, guys! – Joey called.
- Girls, come on. – Paddy said.
- Are you sure?? We are MONA, we would only bother you. – Lucija didn’t want to go.
- We love Monas people. – Angelo laughed.
- Uh?? Do you know what that means? – Kristina wondered.
- Nope! But I saw Mona Lisa of Leonardo Da Vinci. She looks beautiful. – Angelo boasted.
- Hahaha, that’s funny Angelo. – Kristina laughed out. – I hope I don’t look like her.
- That’s it lovebirds, let’s go to the bus. – Paddy interrupted.
In the bus Kristina sat next to Angelo. Lucija and Trang sat together and sometimes they came around the bus to ask for autographs and talk a bit with the Kellys.
- Trang, I think Kristina is down on Angelo. – Lucija whispered.
- Yeah… and so is he. – Trang agreed.
- Kristina always has luck.
- I wonder what are they talking about. She smiles all the time.
- Don’t you think those two match to each other?
- Maybe… it’s hard to say because it’s their first meeting.
- Girls, what are you talking about? – Paddy whispered.
- About your bro and Mona Lisa. – Trang grinned.
- Oh, I thought about me. – Paddy smiled.
- You are not that interesting to talk about Paddy – Lucija told him.
- Do you two want to play ‘truth or dare’ – Paddy proposed.
- Why not.
- Paddy, truth or dare? – Trang asked.
- Dare! – Paddy was short.
- Go there and kiss Angelo! – Trang said.
- No way!! – Paddy protested.
- You wanted to play, so do it. – Lucija forced Paddy.
- Ok, I’ll pay you back.
Paddy went to Angelo and kissed his cheeks.
- Fu, Paddy, go away. You are nuts or what, fu fu. – Angelo wiped his cheeks intensively.
- Lucija, truth or dare? – Paddy asked.
- Dare!
- Go to Angelo, kiss him on his lips and say “I love you”.
- Geezz… such a stupid idea.
After a while Lucija went to Angelo, she kissed him quickly and told him “I love you”.
- What is going on here. – Angelo wondered.
- Nothing Angelo, keep on talking with Kristina. – Lucija explained and went back to Trang and Paddy.
- Trang, truth or dare?
- Truth!!
- Which boy you like the most here?
- May I lie? ANGELO! – Trang laughed.
- What are you doing with me there? – Angelo stood up and went to the three.
- Angelo, go to Kristina! – Paddy claimed.
- First you tell me what are you doing here. – Angelo shouted.
- Nothing Angelo, just making fun of you. – Lucija answered.
- Thanks a lot. May I make fun of me with you? – Angelo was meant.

- Yeah, why not. – exclaimed Paddy. – You two can both join us. It’ll be even more interesting.
- What are you doing anyway? – Kristina joined the others.
- Playing “Truth or dare”. – replied Trang. – Come on, come on, my turn to aks now!! Angelo, truth or dare?
- Dare!!
- Kiss Kristina!!
- WHAT?! – she protested. – What a dare is this??
- Yeah… I mean… - Angelo blushed.
- This is such an annoying game anyway. – Kristina carried on. – Can’t you think of anything better to play??
- No, no, no, no! – Paddy waved his head. – You wanted to play, now do your dare Angelo!
- Geez, you’re just…
- DO IT!!! – Paddy, Lucy and Trang forced him.
Angelo bent to Kristina and kissed her cheek softly. Then he looked at the others.
- No way! – Paddy protested. – What? Do you call that a kiss?!? On her lips, sweetie, on her lips!!
- You only dared him to kiss me!! You didn’t say where! – Also Kristina protested.
- Okay, let them be. - Grinned Trang. – I’ll pay them back anyway.
- My turn now! – Angelo stood up and looked at Paddy. – Truth or dare?
- Dare, what else! – he exclaimed.
- I’ll pay you back! – Angelo laughed diabolically.
Right then they reached to a petrol-station and decided to stop. Everyone stood up and went out. Suddenly Angelo saw a group of young girls standing next to a smaller shop.
- PADDY!!! – he called for his brother. – Go there and ask that blondie to be your date for tonight!!
- What? What blondie?? That one?! – Paddy shocked. – Are you nuts?? She could be my daughter!!
- Dare Paddy!! – Trang laughed.

- Yeah, or truth instead!! – Kristina teased.
- Shit, look what you got into! – Paddy murmured to himself pointing to the direction of those girls. But the others followed him right behind his back.
- Hi, girls! – Paddy greeted. – How are you doing?
- PADDIEEE!!!!! – The girls suddenly jumped on their feet and ran to him.
- What??? – Paddy stood. – Fans?! Shit!!
- O f***!! – Angelo murmured. – What have I done?!… PADDY!! Come back to the bus!!!
But Paddy was already surrounded by those screaming girls.
- Come on, girls. – Angelo looked at Lucy, Trang and Kristina. – Time to rush back to the bus.
- But what about Paddy? – Trang wondered.
- He’ll be fine, he’s used to all this. But I bet he’ll be furious as he comes back.
- Should we be worried about? – Lucy asked concerned.
- Nee, he’ll get over it. But just watch out for the his turn to play…
They watched Paddy through the bus-windows as he was trying to smile while taking thousands of photos and giving autographs… At a point he waved to his fans and then turned to the bus. As he got on it and pointed to his “buddies” he was eally furious and fleshes were hitting around from his dark eyes.
- Who’s next?? – He asked diabolically, not even mentioning those girls outside. – Kristina! Truth or dare??
- Oh geez… Why do I have to be the next one?
- Because it is a game! Truth or dare?!
- Eeer…. I’ll ask for truth… you’re scaring being this way... I’m afraid of you. – Kristina grinned.
- Okay, so truth. Do you like Angelo?
- WHAT?! What a question is this? Of course I like him.
- No, I mean… do you LIKE him?
- I said yes.
- I mean… do you LIKE him in THAT way?
- Oh, that! Paddy… this is already another question. – Kristina grinned. – I’m not gonna answer!!
- But…
- MY TURN!!! – Kristina yelled. – TRANG! Truth or dare?!
- I’ll choose dare this time.
- Okay, so… hm… let me think a bit… AHA!! I got it!! Do you dare kiss Paddy ON HIS LIPS??
- Huh???
- It’s a dare!!! – yelled Lucy. – KISS!! KISS!! KISS!!!

- No way. I won't kiss Paddy on lips. - Trang protested.
- Trang, you have to. - Paddy smiled.
- Thanks a lot Padd.
- You are welcome.
- Paddy, run away.
- No way, the best is before me.
- Trang, kiss, kiss, kiss… - Kristina repeated.
- Kristina, I'll remember that. - Trang said and gave Paddy a quick kiss on his lips.
- It was not a kiss.
- For me it was a kiss. - Trang blushed. - Don't you think, Paddy?
- Hmmm…
- Paddy!!! - Trang kicked Paddy.
- Yeah, it was a really sweet kiss. - he smiled.
- See? Now, Kristina truth or dare? - Trang asked.
- Why me?? - Kristina made a face.
- Because a revenge is sweet.
- Ok, dare.
- Ok, replace the bus driver.
- WHAT? I must drive the bus?
- Yeap!
- Does she know how to drive? - Angelo was curious.
- No! - Lucija answered.
- Haha, girl. Next time you'll come by feet. - Kristina tried to change the subject.
- Kristina, do it. - Trang remind her.
- Do what?
- Drive the bus… show your Angelo how well you can drive. - Lucy added.
- I think it's a bad idea. And if you would break something, it's not my fault. - Kristina warned and come to the driver's cabin and started to drive.
- Oh, my God. I want to live a bit more. - Angelo stood next to her.
- Kristina, treesssss. We are gonna have a crash. - Paddy yelled.
In that point Kristina did a quick maneuver and Paddy landed on his butt.
- Kristina, for what was that. - Paddy held his butt with an unpleasant mine.
- Paddy, you look so sweet. - Trang and Lucy couldn't stop to laugh.
- Paddy, it was for free. - Kristina answered.
- Kristina, you are fired! - Paddy yelled.
- Thank you! - happily Kristi went out of the driver's place.
- How about changing the game? - Lucy proposed.
- Yeah, I have enough of it too. - Paddy agreed.
- Wow, look it's our Hotel. It's big. - Angelo wided his eyes.
- Angelo, are you nuts? It's Marriott. Have you ever seen a little hotel Marriott?
- Kristina and I will take one room. - Angelo declared and Kristina was blushed again.
- Hmm… Angelo how about your Hmm?? - Paddy reminded him.
- Paddy, my hmm is not here.
- Angelo, but I don't want to share a room with you. We three are going to sleep in my car. - Kristina said. - If we find it, of course. - she added quietly.
- No way. You are going to stay in the hotel with us. Tomorrow is a TV show in a hall close to the today's one, so you can take your car tomorrow. - Paddy was serious.
- But… - Lucy started.
- No buts. - Angelo interrupted.
- Girls, we have been kidnapped. - Trang laughed.
- Yes, and you must do everything we want to, otherwise you be tortured. - Paddy said.
- By Paddy's songs… - Angelo added.

- Huh? - Lucy exclaimed.
- That means we're NOT gonna do ANY thing you'll ask us. - Kristina laughed.
- Oh yeah! We can't wait for you to torture us! - Trang added.
- Look, here we are. - Paddy changed the subject. - Welcome to Hotel Marriott!
- WOW!! Look at this!! - The girls glanced around in disbelief. - This is all just so... HUGE!!
- I told you it was a Marriott. - Paddy smiled.
- Okay, so now we have to book the rooms... - they all walked in.
- We are taking one. - Trang said. - I mean, the three of us.
- Whaaat?! Kristina?? - Angelo was disappointed. - I thought we would stay together??
- Ha ha, funny. I said no. - Kristina answered.
- But...
- And anyway, how about Kira?
- Kira? She's not here. - he smiled.
- Cheater! - Lucy teased.
- Hey, I'm not...
- Folk, here you have your keys. - Joey stepped closer. - Paddy and Angelo one room, the girls the other one. You have the rooms right next-door, fifth floor.
- Okay, thanks, see ya later! - they greeted and headed to their rooms, well, actually trying to find them out in such a big hotel.
The three girls settled in their own room, each one occupating her own bed for the night, and then they went to check on "their" boys. They knocked on the next door... and no answer.
- This is strange... - Trang thought.
- Yeah... where could they be? - Lucija agreed.
- Let's try to enter. - Kristina exclaimed suddenly.
- What? No, we can't... - Trang objected. - What if they are just changing their clothes or having a shower?
- So what? Like you never saw Paddy in his underwear. C'mon be serious! He is more undressed than not. Just look at the concerts! - Kristina exclaimed. - Let's go in.
She tried the door which fortunately was left unlocked.
- Uh, I feel like a thief. - Lucija declared.
- Don't be silly... Seems like none is here... - Kristina glanced around.
- Girls, look to the balcony! The door is open. - Trang pointed.
- Maybe they are outside? Let's go check!
The girls headed to the balcony, but suddenly stood firmly at the door. Yes, there they were! But...
- Do you see anything? - Paddy whispered to his brother.
- No... let me... uh... - Angelo leaned over the balcony, spying in the girls room.
- What the hell?! - the girls glanced at each other. Then Trang made the sign to stay quite.
- Where are they?! - Paddy demaned.
- Maybe they went out? - Angelo looked at him.
- Oh, shit. Imagine they would come to ours...
- What...?
- Oh shit!! - they yelled at once and quickly turned around. - Eeeer... hi, girls. - they giggled nervously.
- Anything interesting? - Kristina tried not to laugh.
- Well...
- Oh, none is in? Really? Where could they be? - Lucija laughed out.
- That was not nice of you girls! - Angelo looked meaning at them.
- Excuse me?!? - Kristina gasped. - Who was the one spying on us, ha?
- Well... I... uh.... - Angelo got confused.
- Uf... such a nice weather today, ha? - Paddy tried to change the subject.
- You're not gonna snick out of this one, guys! - Trang warned. - You have just postponed it!
- Anything is better than nothing. - Paddy and Angelo sighed relieved.
