– blue
Kristina – red
Lucy - green
Kristina and Trang
were friends for a long time thanks to the internet and the Kelly Family, but
they had never met. Since that they were best friends of each other. From time
to time they talked in the Kelly chat.
One day they met in the chat at 1:00 a.m.
2sweet: Hey Trang. I heard that the Kellys are coming to Slovenia for two
Trang: Really? Wow, are you going to see them?
2sweet: Sure. Maybe you can come too?
Trang: Yeah… why not… I’d like to see my Paddy.
2sweet: And his butt.
Trang: Of course, he has the cutest butt. Thanks for the pictures :)
2sweet: You are welcome.
Trang: Gezz, Kristi, it’s late, I have a test of math tomorrow. I have to
study a bit.
2sweet: Yeah, me too. Oh… my telephone bill. It’s all your fault.
Trang: How about my bill.
2sweet: Have you read my story “Devoted to you”??
Trang: Not yet! I think instead of study I’m gonna read it now… and if
I’ll get an one, guess whose fault it will be.
2sweet: Yours???
Trang: Yes, right answer, your fault :)
2sweet: Sure!
Trang: Oh, Toby is coming. :)
2sweet: Toby!
Toby: Hi darling.
2sweet: Nice to see you.
Trang: Oh, how sweet.
2sweet: Trang, shut up!
Trang: Ok, ok. I won’t bother the lovebirds again. Toby, say Happy birthday to
Toby: Happy Birthday 2sweet.
2sweet: Thank you, but it’s not my birthday.
2sweet2: Happy birthday, sis! This is your birthday, so is mine.
Trang: Hello 2sweet2 :)
2sweet: Hello 2sweet2! I have to go now! Bye bye.
Trang: Don’t go!
2sweet: I have to. My bill *smrk*
A month later Trang went to Slovenia to meet Kristina and the Kellys. The were 2
concerts in Ljubljana one was a concert nd the second one was a TV show. Trang
was so excited. It was her first time in Slovenia.
- Hejla Trang! – Kristina greeted Trang.
Hejla Kristina, nice to see you. I thought that I’ll see a red-eyed
monster… you don’t look like in the picture.
- Trang this is Lucija, Lucija – Trang. – Kristina introduced.
- Hejla Lucy! Kristina told me a lot about you.
- I hope good.
- Well… let say good. – Trang said.
- Oh, my God, that means something terrible, tell me what did she say. –
Lucija wondered.
Kristina, may I tell her? – Trang asked.
- Shut up! – it was the nice answer of Kristina.
- What did she say about me? – Lucija was impatient.
- She said, she loved you to death. – Trang smiled.
- Sure! – Kristina made a face.
They walked for a while and suddenly Kristina stopped.
- Trang, this is my car - car, this is Trang. – Kristina introduced again.
- Hey car, you are still in one piece? I can’t believe that. – Trang joked.
Then they jumped on Kristina’s and Kristina drove somewhere. Several times she
almost hit to trees.
- Kristina, who gave you the driving license. You drive like crazy. – Trang
- I know, I know. I’m the best. – Kristina smiled.
- Sure, you are!
They were in the front of a hall where the Kellys would have the concert. It was
a big hall and a lot of fans there.
- Girls, let’s go backstage. – Kristina proposed.
- Great idea, but how? – Trang asked.
- See that man with the t-shirt with ‘security’? – Kristina pointed to a
big guy.
- And?? – Trang and Lucija said together.
- You see, that is my ex’s brother. I think he would let us in. – Kristina
- You think so? – Lucja was unsure. – I didn’t know that you can think.
- Let’s ask him. – Kristina said and they went to that guy.
Kristina said something in Slovenian to him. And then she pulled Trang after her
to the hall.
- Kristina, you are the best. – Trang said as they were inside.
- I told you, I’m the best. – Kristina smiled.
- Girls, look Paddy! Ahhhhhh!! – Lucija saw Paddy who was going to a room.
The three followed him.
- It’s a toilet. – Kristina suddenly stopped.
- So what, come on. – Trang said.
- That is for MEN. – Lucija said.
- Who cares, let’s go there. – Trang didn’t give up.
- You are crazy, but who cares, let’s go. – Kristina nodded.
As Trang pushed the door Paddy arrived.
- Girls, that one is for men, there is the toilet for women. – he smiled.
- We know. – Trang said dreamy.
- Hmm, Paddy nice to see you, my name is Kristina. – Kristina saved the
- And I’m Lucija.
Kristina hit Trang.
- Hm… my name is… Paddy… wow… - Trang was still in shock.
- Your name is Paddy? That is cool, I’m Paddy too. – Paddy teased.
- Oh, her name is Trang. Usually she has a big mouth, but don’t know why she
is speechless now. – Kristina said.
- Kristina, am I dreaming? Or I have died? – Trang spoke up again.
- Nope, you are standing before Paddy Kelly. – Kristina whispered.
- He is so handsome. – Trang said.
- Well, thank you. – Paddy smiled. – Girls, are you fans?
- Yep, we are. – Lucija answered.
- Do you want to meet my family? – Paddy proposed.
- Sure! – the three said happily at once.
- So come with me.
Three girls followed Paddy to a cloakroom where the Kellys were getting ready
for their concert.

- Geez, girls… look!!! – whispered Kristina excited. – The whole bunch is
- Are we lucky or what? – Trang slowly came round.
- Kristina, finally you’re boyfriends are useful for something. – Lucija
- Yeah, finally. – giggled Kristina.
- Oh, look, look, look!!!! – Trang suddenly blurted. – Oh, is this one of
the best butts you’ve ever seen or what?!
- Whose butt? – suddenly Paddy turned around to us.
- Eeer… ummmm… - Trang got embarassed a bit, she had no idea Paddy was
actually listening to their conversation!!
- Yours!!! – exclaimed Lucija instead.
- Oh, so you like my butt, girls? – Paddy laughed. – Good to know. Oh,
here… Angelo! Angelo, c’mon come here!
- Oh geez… girls, hold me! Just hold me!! Angelo’s coming here!!! –
Kristina whispered.
- C’mon, Lucy, call the ambulance, hurry up! – Trang joked. – We are
losing her…
- Hi there! – greeted Angelo as he reached to us.
- Hey! – Lucija and Trang both introduced themselves, but Kristina just stood
there with her mouth wide-opened.
- And who are you? – Angelo turned to her.
- I’m… - Kristina started, but then Trang interrupted laughing:
- She is a BIG pain in my ass!!!!
- I beg your pardon? – Angelo got confused.
- No, nothing. – blurted Kristina. – Don’t listen to her ‘cause she is
crazy. Hi! – she gave him her biggest smile. – My name is Kristina.
- Fans? – Angelo looked at Paddy.
- What do YOU think? – Paddy laughed.
- Oh, cool.
- So, girls. – Paddy continued. – How do you find Angelo’s butt?
- My butt?! What the he….
- I like yours more. – Trang interrupted laughing.
- Yeah, me too. – agreed Lucija.
- Well, I don’t. – Kristina smiled. – I find Angelo’s butt much more
- Oh, look, look, Angelo. So guess those practices you’re taking are not a
waiste of time. – Paddy laughed.
- Can anyone PLEASE tell me what the hell is going on here? – Angelo wondered.
- Nothing special, Butthead! – Paddy answered joking. – The girls were just
admiring our cute butts.
- But…
- Aaaah, just forget it! You’re just way too stuburn!
- So, guys. – Lucija jumped in. – Won’t you get ready yet?
- Huh? Ready? – They looked up from their fight.
- Yeah, I mean… for the concert.
- Oh, that. Well, we’re already dressed up. So we are free to do whatever we
want to till the show… Still one hour to come.
- Do you have time now, girls? – Paddy asked.
- Well, yes, sure. No problem, why? – they all said in one voice.
- Geez… did you practice this one or what? – Paddy asked surprised.
- Neee, we are like sisters, we don’t have to talk to understand each other.
– laughed Trang.
- Ahaaa… I understand… - said Paddy slowly, but we doubted he understood it
at all. – So, wanna meet my little family?
- SURE!!! – they exlaimed in one voice again.
- Geez… - Paddy looked back at us again, but didn’t continue, the girls
burst into laughter.
- So, here it is Barby. – announced Angelo.
- Oh, my God! It’s really you! Barby!! – Trang’s eyes brightened and she
even forgot about Paddy for a second. – Barb, you’re so so soooooo great!!!
I love you so much!
- Eeer… thanks… - Barby stood speechless.
- So good you came back to the stage! – Kristina sighed. – We all missed you
a BIG time!
- And here is Johnny. – continued Paddy.
And so the girls got to know the whole family. When they finished their
“work” it was already show-time. Paddy and Angelo showed the girls where
they could stay with the backstage tickets they’d been given earlier. And soon
the family jumped on the stage and rocked in with “I’ll send you a
letter”. The crowd went totally crazy. Lucija, Trang and Kristina were jumping
and singing along the music there at the side of the stage. The Kellys continued
their show with “Key to my heart”, “I wanna kiss you”, “You belong to
me” and so on. Half of the show passed by and the Kellys made a break. The
girls soon ran to their idols.
- SO COOL!!! – they exclaimed. – You guys are simply the best!!!
- Better than all of the rest! – sang Paddy joking.
- So you liked the show? – asked Angelo.
- Liked?! Liked?! NO!! We didn’t like it!!!
- Eeeer… - they stood spechless.
- WE LOVED IT!!!!!!!! – the girls finished and the boys sighed relieved.
- So wait for the second part! – said Paddy mystiriously.
- Yeah… it’s gonna be even better. – agreed Angelo.
- No way! Can’t be better than this! – objected Trang.
- Just wait. – smiled Paddy.
- Oh, c’mon… PLEEAASSEE tell us what it is about!! – the girls begged.
- Ne, ne, ne, ne, ne! – Paddy laughed.
- Be patient and you’ll see! – laughed Angelo.
The Kellys got on stage again and kept the show going on. They were fantastic
– as always. Then suddenly Angelo started an incredible drum-solo, putting all
his energy in it… and after about two minutes of drums, suddenly Paddy hit in
with a great guitar solo which led to the intro of a new song!!! So that had to
be the surprise the girls were waiting for!! Paddy jumped from the drums and ran
to the front microphone.
- One two three four!! – he shouted and all the family started to play along.
It was incredible. The song was really rocky! Then he started to sing:
- Playing this song, getting us rockin' tonight, and my baby, my little lady,
she's here by my side, yeah, my baby, she's here by my side. Now it's just us,
there's no one around, so tell me the words, say you'll be mine, just tell me
the words, and say you'll be mine.
Then Maite grabbed her microphone and started to sing the bridge:
- My baby you've got the thing, you got me your slave, we can't deny it tonight,
we'll do something brave.
And then the whole family sang the chorus:
- ????
It was Paddy’s turn to sing now, he stopped playing the guitar and held the
microphone with both hands:
- We're gonna let go, and touch to the sky, oh, I feel so much love, loving my
baby tonight, yeah, loving her slow, we made it so precious tonight.
Maite’s turn again:
- My baby you've got the thing, you got me your slave, we can't deny it tonight,
we did it so brave.
And then the family the chorus two more times:
- ???
After the concert the girls ran to “their” boys again and started jumping
enthousiastically around them.
- OHH! You were just soooo great!! – Kristina exclaimed.
- You guys are surely THE BEST!!! – agreed Trang.
- Well, well, thanks. – laughed Paddy and Angelo.

- But the last song sucks. – Trang corrected.
- Uh??? Trang fly away. It was a cool song. – Kristina didn’t agree.
- Thanks Kristina. – Angelo smiled. – Trang, that’s bad that you don’t
like that song, I think it’s a crap too, but you know what? It’s Paddy’s
- Ooopps. – Lucija said her opinion.
- I was kidding, it was a beautiful song, with a very interesting chorus. –
Trang changed her mind.
- You see Angelo? She doesn’t agree with your opinion anymore. – Paddy
- Heheee, she changed her mind because you have a nice nose Paddy. – Angelo
- Not nose, but butt. – Kristina corrected him.
- Nose or butt, it’s almost the same. – Lucija spoke up.
- It’s very interesting Lucija. – Jimmy joined us.
- Oh, Jesus Maria! – Trang couldn’t believe her own eyes.
- Trang, it’s not Jesus Maria, it’s Jimmy Kelly. – Kristina said.
- Jimmy, you forgot your hair somewhere! – Paddy laughed.
- My hair is in the air. – Jimmy sang.
- Jimmy tries to date with a girl here or what? – Angelo wondered.
- Yeah, it seems so Angelo, he is making a fool again. – Paddy nodded.
- My sweet little brothers!!! – Jimmy murmured – They know me so well. Oh,
Paddy your song was hmm… how to say… readful.
- Thank you big brother. It was such a great compliment. We must sing it again
in the next concert. – Paddy said.
- No!!! – Trang yelled.
- Uh?? I thought you liked the song. – Paddy asked.
- Paddy thought, that is something new. – Jimmy teased.
- Jimmy, I love you, but don’t tease Paddy all the time. – Trang said.
- Thank you my little bodyguard. – Paddy smiled.
- Girls, why don’t you go to our hotel tonight? – Angelo asked.
- Angelo, where is the permission? You can’t invite girls to your hotel room,
you need the permission of your bigger brother. – Paddy pretended to be
- You mean you, Paddy? – Angelo made sure.
- Yep, who else? – Paddy said proudly.
- Paddy, do you know that you and fish have no voice? So I don’t listen to
you. – Angelo laughed.
- Kristina, he has a big butt, but his brain is very little. – Paddy told
- I would like to check it out tonight. – Kristina said.
- Kristina!!!! – Lucija was in shock. – I didn’t know you are like that.
- Well, well, I feel love here. – Trang grinned.
- Shut up!! – Kristina was blushed.
- I must go to do the toilet, see ya later. – Jimmy run away.
- Hurry up Jimmy, don’t do pee pee in you trousers. – Paddy yelled.
- Paddy, that is why, you don’t have any girlfriends. We have ladies here. –
Angelo pushed Paddy.
- Angelo, you’d better take care of poor Kristina, she is red from head to
toe. – Paddy said.
- I’m glad that I don’t have any brothers. – Lucija took a long breath.
- But you have ten sisters. – Trang laughed.
- Where did you take this one? She has only one
sister!!! – Kristina protested.
- Yeah yeah… - Lucija agreed.
- We must go to change ourselves. – Paddy said that and the two went away.
- Oh my God. Hihihi – Trang jumped up.
- What’s now Trang. – Kristina looked at Trang like she was crazy.
- Can you believe that?? – Trang said.
- What? – Kristina pretended.
- THAT! – Trang said again.
- What? – Kristina went on.
- Such a intelligent conversation you two are having here. – Lucija noticed
- Lucija, do you know what she wants? – Kristina asked.
- Who knows… - Lucija was short.
- Thanks a lot. – Trang was grateful of Lucija’s comment.
