
copyright 2001
Trang &
Ines and Maria walked to a music store to watch or listen to music a bit.
They both came from poor families. They parents worked hard, but sometimes
they came sleep with a hunger.
- Look Ines! - Maria pointed to a big poster of the Kelly Family.
- Oh, my God. That says that the Kellys are coming to Portugal, finally. -
Ines jumped of happiness.
- But we can't go there anyway. We don't have the money.
- Look, they write here that we can win the prize, 2 tickets to their
concert. We must only answer to three questions. There are the card to
answer to.
Both of them come quickly to fill the cards. They filled a lot of them so
they had bigger chance to get the prize. They hadn't any problems with the
answers 'cause they knew their beloved band very well.
- I'll pray for us everyday. - Ines said as finally they left the store.
- We must go to this concert. It can be the last occasion to see them in
this millennium.
- Yeah. But Pavoa de Varzim is so far away. Even if we get the tickets how
can we get there? - Ines said hopelessly.
- We will come across with something. We can't let it on.
- Do you think our parents would let us go?
- I don't know what do you think, but I must see them, and I don't care
about anything else. Can you imagine that? Paddy jumping around the stage,
Angelo singing love songs. oh. finally I can see them live, beside Jimmy
will be there.
- Yes, and they will sing their new songs. I love 'So many things' of
- And you love Paddy too.
- Well. - Ines was blushed. - actually I do. He is so sweet.
- Yes, but Angelo is so cool and so handsome.
- No, Paddy is much more handsome. And when he moves his butt. Oh, I can't
stand it. His butt is so sweet.
- Hehe, we are a big dream-team!
- Yes, tonight I'll dream about my Paddy for sure. - Ines declared.
- Ok, good luck. And have a nice dream.
- And I will dream about you too.
- What?? Are you crazy?
- I mean I'll dream about you and Angelo kissing and.
- Girl, stop here. You can't do it.
- Why?
- Because I want to do it by myself.
- Oh.. ok. So you will dream about Angelo and I about Paddy. See ya in
- Bye Ines. I hope you won't jump to my dream. it would change to a
- Thanks a lot Maria.
- You are welcome Ines. Hehe.
They both went to their homes. When Maria came to her home she heard her
mom shouting.
- Maria, where have you been? Look at the home. Who do you think you are?
Clean this mess now or you won't get the dinner.
- Yes, mom. - Maria quickly tidied the living room not saying a word.
- I have enough of you. You are not useful at all. - her mom continue to
Maria felt like crying, but she didn't dare to cry. She regretted that she
lived too. Since her dad died her mom didn't care about anything. She lost
her job, so sometimes Maria and her little brother come sleep in hunger.
Maria felt like an unwanted thing for her mom. Ines also had a hard life.
Their parents were divorced. She lived with her mom, but she had to travel
a lot between her dad and mom. It was hard for her but her parents seemed
not to care, they kept on fighting with each other because they wanted
'all the best' for her. Ines didn't come along with nor her mom and dad.
Maria and Ines were the best friends. They shared together all the sadness
and happiness. They were like sisters. And they could cont on each other
every time. There both were fans of the Kelly Family, though they had
never seen them live nor a big picture collection like other fans.
- Hi Ines, today in the store they are gonna tell who is the winner. We
must come there after school.
- You know what? I would go to the concert even if we won't won the
- Ines was sad.
- What is wrong?
- I must to escape from it all. I have enough of my parents, this life.
- Yes, me too. last night my mother told me that I'm her biggest accident.
- Ok, let go to this store, and pray for the tickets.
- Yeah.
In the store a man stood behind a big basket. But in the basket were not
much cards, because the Kellys were not very famous in Portugal. The man
draw lots.
- The winner is Maria Martinez. - he said. - Is Mss Martinez here?
Maria and Ines hugged each other.
- Yes, I'm Maria Martinez. - Maria was so exited.
- May I have any documents?
- Yes, here is my school ID.
- Mss Martinez, here are the tickets for you. Have a nice time.
- We got it. - Maria came back to Ines.
- Now we must get the money for train.
- How about begging?
- What?
- You sing so well. everyday after school we can sing some Kelly songs in
- You think it is an good idea?
- It must be.
So everyday they came with a guitar and sang the Kellys' songs. After a
week they got enough money for two one-way tickets.
They were going to Povoa de Varzim one day before so they could perhaps
get a chance to met the Kellys and also to get good places. They got all
planned. Ines parents didn't care very much, so did Maria's mother. The
train was leaving at 10 a.m., they got there and got in the train.
- Jesus, we're not even there and I'm already nervous!-Ines turned to
- Calm down. You'll see, we'll meet the Kellys and get autographs for us.
- Yeah… let's keep our fingers crossed!
They talked pretty much, about other stuff such as school and others. Soon
they arrived in Povoa de Varzim.
- Do you think the Kellys are already here?- Maria asked.
- I dunno, but perhaps they are. What do you think?
- I think they are. I just have something in me telling me they are here.
- Don't get to mysterious. First we have to think where we are gonna to
- Now that! I totally forgot that! - Maria said. Where was she with her
head. Dreaming probably.
They walked around for a while and as the last week they got some money,
they could go to a cheap hotel and pass the night there. Finally, after a
lot of walking and not finding nothing they got to a small coffee and sat
there. They ordered a coffee and a croissant for both. They were really
- I kind of scared. - Ines turned to Maria
- What do you mean by that?
- I mean that. What are we gonna do after the concert?
- I still don't get it. - Maria was getting confused.
- You see. I don't wanna to get back to my dad's or mom's house. What
should we do?
- Oh. I see. I'm on the same situation. I don't want to get back to my
They stayed there in silent for a while till Ines almost yelled.
- I know!
- What, what?
- We'll beg again!
- Uh?
- Yeah, we'll sing on the streets for awhile till we get something better.
Is an idea, isn't it?
- Ahh. - Marta laughed - a craaaaaaazy idea, but if we have done it once
we can do it again.
They planned a bit where and what they were going to play and as they had
brought the guitars with them, it was not as difficult as that to beg. On
that afternoon they went to a calm street of Pavoa. They wanted to get a
bit far from the concert hall so the fans wouldn't copy their idea and
copy them. They firstly trained a bit themselves. As they played a bit on
their guitars, Ines was also clearing her voice. After a while they sated
Indiana-style on the floor and started playing. They started with known
music as Let it be or Hard day's night, The rose, some Portuguese songs,
but soon they got into the Kelly's music. Ines's voice echoed on the
street while sometimes Maria got into the music… music filled the
whole street, people would come to the window's to watch them and the
one's on the street would stop for awhile and enjoy a bit, sometimes
letting a coin in one of the guitar's case. They both sung with heart and
soul. They got so into it that they both closed their eyes... they didn't
notice who was or wasn't there. Everything was going on well till Ines
heard Maria's guitar stopping. Her eyes opened to see a surprised Maria.
- What?! - Ines asked a bit angrily. Why had she stopped?
- Lo.look! - Maria said not even starring at Ines.
She heard some people laugh. Ahe looked at them and in the middle of them.
No, it couldn't be! What was going on there, Ines thought. On front of her
were around 10 people or more and in the middle of them were standing
Maite, Jimmy and Paddy.
The Kellys started to applause.
- Girls, it was beautiful. - Paddy came to Maria and Ines.
- Thaaaanks! - Ines and Maria said at once with wide eyes.
They stood with open mouths for a while. They stared at the Kellys like
they saw ghosts.
- I'm Jimmy, and you? - Jimmy broke the silence.
- I'm Ines.
- And I'm Maria.
The all shook hands and greeted each other.
- Girls, where are you from?
- We are from Vila Nova de Cerveira. Near Spain.
- Oh, it's far from here. I bet you are here for our concert.
- Yes, you are right. We won two tickets. And we begged for the train
tickets. And now we are begging again… but you can see that we don't
sing well, hehe. - Ines said looking at their guitar case.
- We did great. You sang much better than us. Anyway better than Jimmy and
Maite. - Paddy joked.
- If you only see Paddy in our sound check. A cow sings better. - Maite
paid back.
- You all sing so beautiful. - Ines said looking at Paddy.
- I like those girls. - Paddy smiled.
- Again? - Maite laughed.
- Yeap Maite, yeap. Don't you know your bro? - Paddy answered. - Girls,
here are backstage cards, please come to us before the concert.
- Wow… I can't believe it…. Thanks!!! - Maria took the cards.
Ines still stood there like witched.
- May I kiss you? - she asked Paddy.
- Heehemm… - Paddy was blushed.
- What is wrong Paddy? - Maite teased him.
- I mean in the cheek. - Ines said quickly.
- Oh… ok…
Ines and Paddy kissed in cheeks… so then we all kisses each
other… Then the Kellys left.
- What was that? Am I in heaven? - Ines spoke up.
- We talked with the Kellys… hahaha… 'can I kiss you'? It was
funny Ines. - Maria teased Ines.
- He was sssssooooo handsome… have you seen his eyes??? And the
smile… - Ines was dreamy.
- Shit!! - Maria said.
- What is wrong?
- We forgot to ask them for autographs.
- Oh shit.
- I forgot… hehe we have the backstage cards. We will meet them
- Thanks God.
- I hope to see my Angelo today.
- YOUR Angelo??? He is busy.
- Who cares.
That day they couldn't sing anymore. They were too exciting. They came to
the hall and wait till they open the door. They both were starving and
tired. They slept in air before the hall. Fortunately it was a warm summer
night. And there were a lot fans and their parents, so they didn't scare.
Almost the whole next day they stood in a queue before the hall pushing
other fans. But at last they came inside. The girls run to a bodyguard who
was in the backstage entry. They show him the BS cards so they were able
to get in.
- Ok, you two can go in - the guard said and smiled to them both.
- Oh my God. - Maria said looking around her.
The stage, the whole place seemed like waiting itself for the Kellys. It
was an amazing sensation. But.. where were the Kellys? They both went to
ask to a woman that was standing there.
- They will arrive in half an hour. Before it the techincs are
testing the instruments.
In fact an acoustic melody was filling the halls.
- It's beautiful. - Ines said dreamily.
- Yeah. Just listen to this sound.
They stood there for a while. Yeah, it wasn't the Kellys playing, but
somehow it was music! Suddenly they heard a loud scream. The Kellys were
They went to somewhere the fans wouldn't see them, so as it was sunny they
sated in hall seats. They had direct view to the stage and when the Kellys
reached in the hall, they could see them.
- Maria. Please say I'm not dreaming!
- You're not dreaming!
- Girls, how are you? - Jimmy said when he saw them, greeting them
The rest will come in a minute, just give them time to put the stuff in
some place.
- We are ok. We were listening to your technics preparing the instruments.
They really enjoy it, uh? - Ines said
- Yeah. - Jimmy said grinninig - but soon you'll hear what's real music
'coz in no time we, the big, amazing, sensational and etc. Kellys will
They all started laughting. Till the other Kellys arrived.
- Hey Maria, Ines, how are you guys? - Maite said kissing their cheeks.
- They are cool! - Jimmy said not letting them speak.
- Oh, your name is Ines, Maria or both? - Paddy said - Jimmy, Jimmy. Take
care of yourself!
- Hi! - Patricia said - I'm Patricia. - she said kissing Maria and Ines
- I'm Angelo - he said putting himself in the middle of them.
Soon everyone greeted eachother.
- Hi, my name is Kira. - a girl came from their back. They greeted
- I must go inside. Trisha, will you come with me? - she said pulling her
hand. She gave them a smile and left with Maite.
- Well. I must go inside with Kira. but I'll be back in a minute! - Angelo
said smiling.
- I'm going to prepare my filming stuff. Joey, come with me. - Jimmy said.
- Aren't you going anywhere else? - Ines said looking at Paddy.
- Well, I haven't got anything to do, but if you want me to. - he said
starting to leave them.
- No, no. - They both said at he same time while Ines grabbed Paddy's arm.
- Ok.I'll stay. - he said smiling.
- When are you doing the soundcheck?
- Well, in about one hour or something.
- And what are you supposed to do till there? - Maria asked.
- Honestly?
- Yeah.
- Nothing. - he grinned.
- Can you tell me where the bathroom is? - Maria interrupted.
- Oh, see that door there? - he said pointing to a small door. - There's
the bathroom.
Maria left them but Ines, as she was sooo shy, couldn't say a single word.
Paddy noticed it so he brought something to talk.
- So, how long are you two fans of ours?
- Oh. Since "Fell in love an Alien"!!! - Ines said.
- So, since '96. That's 4 years now.
- Yeap.
- Do you have a favorite member?
- Yes, I like Maite a lot.
- Oh. - he started to make a mysterious face - I meant a Kelly- boy
- Yes, I mean, no I haven't.
- C'mon don't lie - Maria came behind them.
- What do you mean? - Paddy asked curiously.
- Ines, tell him. - Maria said.
- Tell him what? - Ines pretented and looked meaning at Maria.
- Ok, it seems that Ines is too shy to say it, so Paddy, her favourite
Kelly boy is...
- Is Papa Dan. - Ines interrupted.
- Hahah... Sure! - Paddy laughed.
- Do you want to know, who is Maria's fave boy?
- Of course! - Angelo came behind them.
- Nooo, I'm gonna kill you Ines if you say it.
- Her favorite is one of you two. - Ines smiled.
- Wow, it must be me. - Paddy said.
- No! - Maria denied.
- So it's Angelo. - Angelo said.
- No! - Maria was red looking at Angelo.
- Gotta, Angelo be careful. She looks dangerous. - Paddy teased. - As far
as I know you, you are gonna fall in love soon.
- Shhh Paddy, Kira is around here.
- Yeah, Paddy stop teasing Angelo, you'd better take care of Ines. - Maria
- Ehh... Ines, come on, let's go to do the soundcheck, those two are so
- Uhhhhhhhh, I feel love. - Angelo said.
Paddy and Ines went to the stage. Paddy took two guitars and gave one to
- You know how to play 'Fell in love' right? - Paddy asked.
- Sure. At last thanks of this song I know how to play guitar.
- Ladies and gentlemen, here come Paddy and Ines with 'Fell in love with
an alien'. - Paddy said to the microphone and then he started to play.
Ines played with him.
Ines sang in the places that Kathy used to sing.
- Wow, you sing so well. - Paddy boasted her.
- Thanks, but I don't think so.
- Don't be so modest. You have a wonderful voice. Let's sing another song.
How about 'Hooks'?
- Ok. - Ines was short.
They started to sing. They didn't notice that Angelo and Maria came behind
- You are a bastard. -Angelo joined them at the refrain. - Paddy, you got
me on your hooks... you are a bastard.
- Angelo, get lost. - Paddy yelled at Angelo.
- Yes sir! - Angelo said.
- Soundcheck time. - Jimmy and the others came.
- Opps, Paddy, I can't get lost now.
The Kellys sang a few old songs. Maria and Ines stood before the stage.
They felt like it was a special concert for them. Suddenly Paddy stop and
whispered something
to his siblings. Then he came to a microphone.
- It's a song dedicated to our special guests. - Paddy said looking at the
They all started to play "Old McDonald". The girls laughed out
and then they sang along with them.